We tell stories to speak the truth about the way things are and proclaim the gospel. God is reconciling all things back to Himself, and stories help tell this greater story. They testify to who God is and what He has done and is doing in Christ, reaching past mere intellect to stir and shape our affections.
The gospel of Jesus Christ transforms hearts and lives. It may be seemingly radical, like Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus, or it may be a slow, gradual awakening. Whatever the case, it’s always miraculous and amazing that God would save sinners like us.
The Bible says "and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony." Help us to share the awesome power of God by filling out the form below.

Jan 2020
Unexpected Job and Ownership
Jan 2020
My sister-in-law came to the U.S. last month. She came to ACV for Friday and Sunday services. During one of the services, Bishop Kibby gave her a prophecy. He said that he saw food in her hands and this would be a great blessing for her. When she went back home, she started a new job with a daycare company. She was in charge of the kids’ lunch. She loves the job and thought that it was the one that Bishop was talking about. She called me this month and let me know that she understood Bishop Kibby’s prophecy.
Financial Breakthrough
Dec 2019
I needed a loan. When I applied the first time, I was denied because I did not have a sufficient amount of credits. I decided to apply again and by the Grace of God I was approved for the loan. Praise God!
The Transportation Supplication
Dec 2019
I am so grateful to be part of the family of ACV. The leadership is really connected to God and his people. I have been through tremendous tests and long term battles. Yet, the Lord has been faithful. One battle was concerning my transportation. Several people volunteered to fix a car that I was driving, yet, no one followed-up successfully. Finally, this week, God showed up today. The car that I was given permission to use is now fixed. Thank God! Now I can attend services without taking public transportation and asking others for a ride home. What a blessing! Thank God.
Escaping the Belgium Bombing
Dec 2019
On Tuesday March 22nd, we heard the about the bombings in Brussels, Belgium. Our sister Marilyn happened to be at the airport on a school trip to Portugal. Well, check in was at the same time 3 men decided to do their work. She was badly hurt and had to be transported to the hospital urgently for an emergency like many others. Only got a text from her to my sister to let us know what happened. From that, we had no more bad news and had to wait through prayer. 2 days later, she was finally able to reach us. The surgery went really well. She will need rehabilitation but praise God she is alive.
Citizenship Blessing
Dec 2019
Prophet Prince stated that God is going to surprise some of us within the month. When he made this declaration, I noticed that I could not feel my feet. A supernatural encounter had occured.
To God be the glory the week of March 14, 2016, I received my interview date for my U.S. citizenship which I had been waiting for and praying for since 2015.
Unexpected Job and Ownership
Dec 2019
My sister-in-law came to the U.S. last August. She came to ACV for Friday and Sunday services. During one of the services, Bishop Kibby gave her a prophecy. He said that he saw food in her hands and this would be a great blessing for her. When she went back home, she started a new job with a daycare company. She was in charge of the kids’ lunch. She loves the job and thought that it was the one that Bishop was talking about. She called me this month and let me know that she understood Bishop Kibby’s prophecy.
Financial Aid Release
Dec 2019
I was denied financial aid to go back to school. I stayed home for a year and a half because of financial issues. I started praying to God and this year I appealed the decision. I am glad to say that, not only did I get approved, I got free money to go back to school. Prayer works! Thank God for a second chance. Amen.
Divine Helpers Who Heal
Dec 2019
In the past 3 months of prayer and fasting, God revealed himself in many ways and also proven himself in many ways. Bishop had declared that his prayer and our prayer should be to ask for God to connect us to our divine helpers, and that happened to me. I started working in a new position in October 2015 and had been having a challenging time with my boss. I started praying to God to reveal my purpose in my new position. And what God has revealed to me that I need to keep praying for him & his family. When I started doing that, our relationship started changing.
Statement of Fact
Dec 2019
In February, I received a notice from the DMV stating that I owed $200 of which $100 was for a speeding fine and $100 was for failure to respond to the original notice. According to the notice, this incident occurred on January 1st. When I for the notice, I was surprised regairsing the initial fee, the fine, and the date that it happened. I also said to myself that God would rebuke the devourer for my sake. So when I went to the DMV to contest the fact that I had never received the ticket they sent me so I was not aware of the fine. When I went before the investigator he asked me to state my name & address.
Each One, Plant One
Nov 2019
My daughter and I pick up bread from Panera Bread that our ministry donates to local shelters. We were at a stop light on King Street in Alexandria, VA, on our way to drop bread off and the light turned green but my car shut off. It wouldn’t start until after the 3rd attempt. I said to myself “Really God, Really?” I’m on my way to deliver bread to the homeless shelter and my truck won’t start? I called upon the blood of Jesus and miraculously the car started. When we arrived to the shelter and the two gentlemen that always help me get the bread out of the truck were there waiting...
You Are Approved!
Nov 2019
Pastor Jeremy prophesied that someone will go to a dealership with no money for a down payment and no money in the bank. Holy Ghost will direct you to which one. I laughed until he said it will be a BMW! I received it with gladness. Weeks went by. I forgot about it. Holy Spirit
reminded me. He asked if I remembered the prophesy. Pastor Jeremy spoke, I said yes. I reflected and realized I didn’t have money for a down payment or in the bank. I got my phone out and started searching. I clicked on CarMax and made my way. It was sitting there in all its
glory. The sales man said, “You’re approved!” I drove off with my new car free and clear. To God be the Glory!
I'm Here to Pick You Up
Nov 2019
Three weeks ago, I invited a friend to church. She and her daughter drove from Howard County MD to pick me up. In the midst of the service, my friend announced that it was getting late and
her daughter needed to go home to finish homework.” Of course, I did not want to leave so I told her that I would take the subway home. I walked my friend and her daughter to the car. Ten minutes later, they walked back into the church. She said, “The Holy Spirit told me to come backand pick you up!” Just as they sat down, Prophet Prince called me up to the front. After Service,Pastor Renee shared with me just as you were leaving, Lord please speak to her....
London Knocking On My Door
Nov 2019
From the beginning of the year, Bishop Kibby has been talking about it being, “A Year of Restoration.” Also Pastor Seth mentioned on the prayer line that this year would be a “restoration of relationships.” He said, “things will be going well in a relationship and out of nowhere, something just comes along and breaks the friendship for no reason.” So out of nowhere, one of my college friends from London knocks on the door. We had not spoken in years. We were very close in college and many years afterwards. For no apparent reason we just stopped talking, e-mailing or visiting.
But I am so excited that...
Ten Years of Praise!
Nov 2019
When I was a Junior in College, I was granted a vision to start a praise dance group on campus and seven other friends joined. On March 19, 2016, the ministry celebrated its 10-year anniversary and had a reunion. I, along with the other founding members were invited back to celebrate and dance with the current ministry. God is doing so many amazing things through this ministry! The night before the dance showcase, I requested we all come together to pray as we prayed the spirit of God fell like I’ve never seen it. God gave me several prophetic words for the women and men and one person manifested a demon which myself and two other alumni cast out.
God Sends Angels!
Nov 2019
Last week I was at a car dealership servicing my mother’s car and while in the waiting room, I began reading my devotional. A woman with a hat on came to sit next to me and God put it on my heart to share my devotional with her. The devotional spoke about God’s care for us and deliverance from fear. The woman proceeded to tell me that she was just diagnosed with breast cancer and starting radiation the next day. We began to talk about God and I did my best to encourage her and gave her the devotional, proclaiming that each day, as she reads and goes through her treatment, she will be healed. She asked me to sign it so she could remember the...
